My ancestors always influence my creations. Weaving and knot tying are just a couple of techniques that have been passed down for generations. I like to honor their memory by utilizing my knowledge to create unique jewelry and wearable art.
My signature designed Glass Float jewelry is reminiscent of the coveted glass floats that sometimes come ashore from fishing boats. A popular collectorsʻ item, glass fishing floats were once used by fishermen to keep their fishing nets, longlines or drop lines afloat. In recent years, the glass has been replaced by plastic. This particular design was conceived, developed and continues to be produced exclusively by Ilihia Hawaii. Do not be fooled by imitators. When I was a child, my family did a lot of Throw-Net fishing, and my punishment for misbehaving was to repair the family fishing net. As an adult, I have incorporated the skills that I learned as a child into making this unique line of products.
Over the years, many people have given me a lot of positive feedback regarding my photography. In this age of Digital Photography, there are many people selling their prints. I wanted to do something different with my images. This is why the Photo Clutch Collection was created. This is an Ilihia Hawaii exclusive, as no one else has these photographs which are sublimated on to a durable Nylon material.
Always looking for something new and unique to create, I played with the idea of changing up the Hawaiian flag when I was creating the Photo Clutches. I came up with the Hawaiian flag with Lauhala design. It became a hit soon after the bags dropped in retail stores. I wanted to apply it to some sort of jewelry creation; eventually resulting in the Guitar Pick Earrings and soon after the Guitar Pick Bracelets. This original design is printed on actual guitar picks!
Pandanus Tectorius, also known as Hala was introduced to Hawaii by early Polynesian settlers when they arrived in Hawaii. It was an important plant because the fruit provided food and the leaf (lau) of this plant provided the raw material for thatching, floor mats, and weaving baskets to hold food, Today, many use weaving Lauhala to make jewelry, hats, purses and more. My Lauhala clutches are adorned with Ilihia Hawaiiʻs original Glass Float zipper pull.